These collage/ drawings were made with my collaborative partner, Rhonda Neufeld, during a residency at the Banff Centre in 2008. It was the second time we worked outside of my studio and a moment to discover what we could do in a partnership. We decided to play with collage, moving things back and forth to see what elements each of us would bring to the work and how we might use them. To make it even more fun, we asked others to contribute collage material – David MacWiilliam, David Alexander and Donald Lawrence helped us out. We considered all this as a chess game. In the end we produced one each day that we were there. They are a journal. We keep these works together in a handmade clamshell portfolio box beautifully crafted by Dallas Spiller.
Coincidentally, Robert Rauschenberg passed away on the day that we inhabited our studio space at the centre.